


>時間: 2013年3月9日(週六)

           14:45~15:00 開放進場
           15:00~16:00 演出
           16:00~16:20 Q&A 交流 



>票價: 免費





表演介紹 / About Performance:


表像世界的一切,皆隨著意志而改變,如叔本華所說:意志即存在,意志即世界。新加坡藝術家崔塔拉以One Man Nation的聲音藝術表演活躍於國際舞台,2012年起,由自身性別轉變之生命體驗出發,創作全新的3T聲音藝術表演計畫(TRANSform_TRANSmit_TRANScend / 轉型_傳遞_超越),在企圖改變性別的意志作用中,徹底檢視存在的本質。



“The world is my representation”— by Arthur Schopenhauer

Singapore artist Tara__X is active on the stage of international art with the One Man Nation sound art performances. Since 2012 she has changed her gender identity from male to female and has created a whole new project TRANSform_TRANSmit_TRANSend, which can reflect current changes of her Life as to represent her ideas about life, gender, and art. The performance is co-organized by DAC and MOCA Taipei. Videos of 5 section performances will be presented through a video installation exhibited by Being Changed- A Group Exhibition of International Contemporary Art at MOCA Taipei. 


創作概念 / Artist Statement:



This performance is focused on my lost-in-transition process at this moment of my life as I begin the transition towards the female end of the gender spectrum. Referencing loosely the gender make-up of the traditional Bugis society in South Sulawesi in Indonesia (which has traditionally in its society 5 genders), I will do 5 performances to camera. For the first performance, I will present my physical self to camera as the One Man Nation of yesteryear. Then, with each subsequent performance, I will present myself in a more and more feminine way ending with the last performance as one of the possible future outcomes of my physical presentation.

Each performance is done in front of a television set. The first performance will start with me playing live in front of the TV but with nothing being shown on the screen. In the the second performance, you will see the first performance screened on the TV and with me playing live in front of that. In the third performance, the video from the second performance will be screened and so on until the last performance where you will see me presenting the most feminine form playing live with the TV behind showing the whole transition process.


藝術家介紹 / About Artist:


崔塔拉創立「一個人的國度」(One Man Nation)聲音藝術表演團,並與西班牙行動藝術家瑪塔‧莫雷諾‧慕諾茲(Marta Moreno Munoz)合組藝術聯盟「聯合陣線」(The Unifiedfield),巡迴展出聯盟藝術家的行動錄像作品。她目前的創作,以超性別實驗音聲為主題,對於性別認同與超性別議題格外關注。

Tara__X is a transgender experimental musician originally from Singapore with a background in media and sound art who graduated from the Piet Zwart Institute(Rotterdam, NL).  At present, she splits her time between Asia and Spain where she is co-directing the artists-run organization The Unifiedfield in Granada with Marta Moreno Muñoz.



  1. 2013.03.06 演講 不再不在-崔塔拉的異性世界 中央大學文學院大講堂(C2-224) 18:30-20:30

  2. 2013.03.08 開幕 不再不在-國際當代藝術展 中山地下書街 14:30

  3. 2013.03.09 表演 崔塔拉3T聲音藝術表演 台北數位藝術中心 15:00-16:00

  4. 2013.03.11 表演 崔塔拉聲音藝術表演 台北藝術大學藝術與科技中心 13:30-15:30

  5. 2013.03.17 論壇 藝術家面對面 當代館活動大廳 14:30-16:30


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